International Relations | Domestic and Diplomatic Missions Mutual Recognition and Cooperation Agreement between Asian University International and Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace International Institute



WHEREAS: Asian University International–[AUI] is a University founded for the world community; and accredited by the Accredited International Accreditation Board and Global Accreditation Association United States of America - No. 00392952 Accredited by Univeral Association Professional College and University - UAPCU No. 2230-HEDE-879253 Accredited by CPD Accreditation Center No. 777-265 London-United Kingdom Identification Number In The Register : 912249034138-53 By Transparency Register Europe, and Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace Institute International [RKMPII] is an Institute established by the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman in Officially Registered in the Philippines Reg.No. Cn202102058 and Registered with APPLICATION ID 140821 UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT for the whole world for human beings whose daily mission is education and humanity, their domestic and diplomatic roles are to build humanity worthy man; restore a feeling of complete self-worth; provide a better platform after peace coexist among people of ethnic, social, political and religious lines. Therefore, each party wants and has expressed willingness to enter into this Treaty, have agreed, among other things, to establish an "eternal state” friendship and cooperation”, as well as to “share information related to the development of the institution and symbols”, believes that international relations – mutual recognition and cooperation – are domestic and diplomatic mission is part of the means to achieve sustainable development, for humanity. PURPOSE: The parties wish to hereby formalize the ties of affiliation and cooperation that have developed to be successful together transparently to maximize engagement and outcomes to promote science and technology for sustainable development worldwide. NOW THEREFORE IT HAS BEEN APPROVED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 Both Asian University International (AUI) and Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace Institute International – [RKMPII] hereby give each other full recognition as existing bodies with proven track records in education and humanity services, domestic and diplomatic relations; promote dignity, peace, unity, human rights, security, culture and including sustainable development, global goals and development priorities. SECTION 2 In order to achieve the goals stated in this agreement, both parties will act as a platform for each other's thoughts and hereby appoint representatives, and establish to establish diplomatic missions in and serve them happy to "cooperate". ARTICLE 3 The parties, in the spirit of affiliation and cooperation that exist between them, should consult together on various matters common concerns and interests in times of need and in particular to advance humanitarian, domestic missions and diplomatic relations, sustainable development and global goals, among other development priorities. ARTICLE 4 The parties will use their best efforts to encourage cooperation among themselves to coordinate, facilitate and implement sustainable development and humanitarian projects and programs. ARTICLE 5 That the signatories agree that this Treaty shall form the basis of their relationship with one other and may be changed, enlarged and expanded upon their agreement. Given under the hands of each party, this Friday, December 10, 2021 We the undersigned All Supreme Leaders represent both parties
